Keynote Speakers
Marcelo Frías
Until 2023, Dr. Frias served as professor in the Department of Software Engineering at Buenos Aires Institute of Technology (ITBA) and as rsearcher at CONICET.
His research interests include formal logic and universal algebra, along with relational methods and their application for (semi-)automated software validation and verification. Dr. Frias obtained a doctoral degree in computer science from Pontifícia Universidade Católica in Rio de Janeiro. He completed his undergraduate studies in computer science at the University of Buenos Aires School of Exact and Natural Sciences. His research has been funded by CONICET, the Argentinean Science Foundation, and Amazon Web Services, on projects where he serves as principal investigator. Dr. Frias is a member of two working groups for the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP). He is a recipient of the Bernardo Houssay Award, a distinction awarded by Argentina’s Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation to honor outstanding work by scientists and researchers. Additional accolades include EASST Best Paper Award at ETAPS 2007, Best Paper Award at the ICSE Workshop on Search-Based Software Testing, and the Best Paper Award at the Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods. He is a recipient of a Fulbright Scholarship that earned him a one-year visiting appointment at MIT. Dr. Frias is the author of Fork Algebras in Algebra, Logic and Computer Science. He has published in highly cited journals such as IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. He has been a program committee member for the most important conferences in Software Engineering (ICSE, ASE, ISSTA, ICST). He most recently was invited to speak at the 2021 International Conference on Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science (RAMICS).
Sebastián Uchitel
Sebastián Uchitel es investigador superior del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) y profesor titular del Departamento de Computación, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) donde es director del Laboratorio de Fundamentos y Herramientas para la Ingeniería de Software. Anteriormente fue profesor en Imperial College London (IC), director de YPF, y fundador-director del Instituto UBA/CONICET de Ciencias de la Computación y del Centro Interinstitucional UBA/MINCYT de Ciencia de Datos. Es profesor visitante en IC y en el Instituto Nacional de Informática de Japón.
Se desempeña actualmente como Editor-en-Jefe de IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, además fue editor asociado de Communications of the ACM, Science of Computer Programming y del Requirements Engineering Journal. Fue general chair y program chair de la IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering y ha recibido distinciones del European Research Council, ACM, IBM, Microsoft, Google, y la Fundación Konex. Ha recibido el Premio Houssay y es miembro de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales.
El área de investigación de Sebastián Uchitel es la Ingeniería de Software y más específicamente el uso de métodos formales para la verificación, validación y síntesis de sistemas intensivos en software. Las contribuciones más importantes de Sebastian Uchitel al área de la Ingeniería de Software son el uso de descripciones parciales para el modelado y análisis del comportamiento de sistemas, y el uso de técnicas de síntesis de controladores para el diseño de sistema adaptativos.