Simposio Argentino de Ingeniería de Software
ASSE is an annual event that brings together researchers, developers, and practitioners to discuss and exchange ideas, problems and experiences in the wide field of Software Engineering. ASSE seeks original works in the wide spectrum of Software Engineering, from academic research to industrial and business applications with significant impact and lessons learned from application development.
This new edition of ASSE will be held at Universidad de Buenos Aires, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, during August 4-7, 2025 and will be part of JAIIO (Argentine Conference on Informatics), one of the most relevant conferences in South America, organized by SADIO (Argentine Society of Informatics and Operations Research) since 1961, with the participation of professionals from industry and academia
Topics of Interest
We encourage submissions relating to all aspects of Software Engineering, especially on topics of emerging interest. Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
- Agile methods and practices
- API design
- Artifact evaluation
- Cloud-based systems and software
- Collaboration and human aspects of software engineering
- Development of plugins, add-ons, and extensions for IDEs
- Development paradigms and software processes and methods
- Distributed software systems and middleware
- Engineering of intelligent systems and machine learning
- Formal methods
- GUI testing
- Human aspects of software engineering
- Improving IDE features
- Integrating prototypes or machine learning models into the IDEs
- Model driven software engineering
- New ideas and emerging results in software engineering
- Object oriented, component-based, aspect-oriented service-oriented software engineering
- Open standards and certification
- Patterns and frameworks
- Pervasive, mobile and embedded systems
- Program comprehension and visualization
- Requirements engineering
- Reverse engineering, refactoring, and evolution
- Software architecture and design
- Software configuration and deployment
- Software delivery and DevOps
- Software engineering education and training
- Software engineering for systems-of-systems and software ecosystems
- Software engineering in practice
- Software engineering in society
- Software metrics & quality assurance
- Software product lines
- Software project management
- Software specification
- Static and/or dynamic program analysis
- Tools and environments
- Verification, validation and testing
- Web engineering
María Julia Blas, Instituto de Desarrollo y Diseño INGAR | CONICET | UTN (Argentina)
Carlos López Pombo | Universidad Nacional de Río Negro | CONICET (Argentina)
Pablo Ponzio | Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto | CONICET (Argentina)
Program Commitee (preliminary)
Alejandra Cechich, Universidad Nacional del Comahue (Argentina)
Alejandra Garrido, Universidad de La Plata y CONICET (Argentina)
Julián Grigera, Universidad Nacional de La Plata | CONICET | CIC-PBA (Argentina)
Alejandro Zunino, UNICEN (Argentina)
Andrea Delgado, Universidad de la República (Uruguay)
Andrés Díaz Pace, UNICEN – ISISTAN CONICET (Argentina)
Belen Rivera, UNLPam (Argentina)
Claudia Pons, Universidad Nacional de La Plata | CIC-PBA |UAI (Argentina)
Diego Garbervetsky, Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Fernando Asteasuain, Universidad Nacional de Avellaneda (Argentina)
Hernán Astudillo, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (Chile)
Marcela Veggeti, Instituto de Desarrollo y Diseño INGAR | CONICET | UTN (Argentina)
Silvio Gonnet, Instituto de Desarrollo y Diseño INGAR | CONICET | UTN (Argentina)
Luciana Roldan, Instituto de Desarrollo y Diseño INGAR | CONICET | UTN (Argentina)
Luis Olsina, UN La Pampa (Argentina)
Marcelo Frías, Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires ITBA – CONICET (Argentina)
María Fernanda Golobisky, UTN-Facultad Regional Santa Fe (Argentina)
María Fernanda Papa UNLPam (Argentina)
Marcelo Arroyo, Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto (Argentina)
Valeria Bengolea, Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto (Argentina)
Simón Gutierrez Brida, Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto – CONICET (Argentina)
Pablo Becker, UNLPam (Argentina)
Pablo Villarreal, UTN – Facultad Regional Santa Fe (Argentina)
Pedro D’Argenio, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba – CONICET (Argentina)
Ramiro Demasi, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba – CONICET (Argentina)
Important dates
Work submissions
Article types and file formats
Review, publication and indexing
Best Articles Awards
Consultas académicas:
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Facebook: /sadioarg | /jaiiooficial